Advertising My Life in Ads with Carma Andraos Carma Andraos is the creative director and managing partner of Lorem Ipsum, one of the young-up-and-coming boutique agencies in Beirut....
Advertising My Life in Ads with Director Mazen Fayad Mazen Fayad takes us through the ads that shaped his extraordinary career, which saw him moving from an award-winning creative...
Advertising My Life in Ads with Alain Shoucair Alain Shoucair, Regional Executive Creative Director at Drive Dentsu recalls the ads that mattered throughout his long and established career.
Advertising Show me where you work Leo Burnett... and I’ll tell you who you are After two episodes of this new series, let’s aim for the stars. Leo Burnett is generally regarded as the leading...
Advertising My Life in Ads with Sabine Massaad Sabine Massaad, communication manager at Leo Burnett, Beirut reflects on the ads that paved the way to a promising career...
Advertising Show me where you work Y&R... And I’ll tell you who you are When Bono wrote, “Where the streets have no name”, he probably thought of Beirut. It takes me forever to find...
Advertising My Life in Ads with Jihad Ramadan Jihad Ramadan, Creative Director at Y&R Advertising Beirut, reaches deep into the most profound recesses of his mind and takes...
Advertising Show me where you work Joe Fish… And I’ll tell you who you are Joe Fish is the tale of a little fish that was stuck too long inside a giant whale. One day...